ESPN is giving CNN a run for its money for the most triggered network on cable television.
They’ve stood in solidarity with Communist China and turned a blind eye to the genocide of religious minorities.
They’ve embraced Lia Thomas and other men who are decimating women’s sports.
When Roe v Wade was overturned one ESPN snowflake broke out in tears – on air.
Another ESPN host called out Tampa Bay Rays players who refused to wear a gay pride patch. Said they were bigots.
And to celebrate the Fourth of July ESPN published a column attacking America.
And then there is the network’s NBA analyst — Jay Williams. He says it’s time to ban “Mount Rushmore” from the network’s style guide. Watch the video below.
“Can we first off just stop with the Mount Rushmore talk,” he said. “They’re not even the four best presidents this country has ever had. Everyone in this room was not even able to vote. I just want to say that off the top. That’s our metric for success? That’s our king?”
So, does Mr. Williams have take issue with Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation? Would he have preferred that the South had won the Civil War?
What a clueless moron.
But Williams is not the only ESPN host who is ignorant of our history.
Meet Jalen Rose — worth roughly $40 million in “racist” America.
“Can we retire using Mount Rushmore? That should be offensive to all of us, especially Native Americans, Indigenous people who were the first people here before Christopher Columbus,” Rose said. “That land was stolen from them when it was discovered that it contained gold.”
“And 25 years later, to add insult to injury, four American presidents were put on what we call Mount Rushmore on the top of the dead bodies that is buried right underneath,” he added. “So, I call for you and for myself — I’m owning this, too — let’s stop using the term Mount Rushmore when we’re talking about our favorite rappers, talking about our favorite movies, talking about our favorite players.”
So Rose and Williams are what I like to call Culture Jihadists. They want to turn American history into a pile of heaping rubble.
Making tens of millions of dollars in a country they claim is oppressive and racist.