The following is a partial transcript of Todd’s interview with Newsmax contributor Hogan Gidley. Gidley was asked to respond to some accusations Candace Owens made about President Trump. Click here to listen to the full interview.
TODD: [00:48:49] Hogan real quick here. Candace Owens made some headlines over the past couple of days – did the interview with President Trump. There was some back and forth, as she, of course, is anti-vaccine and the president is very supportive of the vaccine, encouraging people to get the vaccine. But did an Instagram video after that where she suggested and very, very clear terms. And we’re not going to play the audio, but we played it multiple times. But she says the problem here is that the president is not very well read. He’s an old guy doesn’t know how to use the internet, so he relies on the mainstream media for his for his information on the on the China virus. That’s not the Donald Trump that I know. And I mean, you worked for the man. What say you?
GIDLEY: [00:49:33] I’ll tell you. He’s the most, well-read individual. I know a lot of the boxes that would be on the floor in Air Force One would make international trips were just papers, articles from the internet, from from, you know, mainstream publications, from television stations, you know, their dot com version. And I mean, he’d set up, I remember 17 hours, I think if it was to get to Vietnam. He came and woke me. Everyone was asleep in the main conference room, on the floor, on the couches, and he came back and just said, Are you up? He said, Come here. And I went to the front of the plane with him, and he just sat there and read articles, talked to me about, Did you read this? Did you see this? Hey, ask him about this and circle things and have me go kind of track down information. The guy knows everything that is going on out there. I saw some of that dust-up with with Candace. I’ve been on her show. And I don’t know what it stems from. And, you know, I think it’s just one of those things a lot of people like to talk about because it put a couple of people in, not at odds with differing opinions on on a particular topic. And that’s fine. They can do that. But the fact is Project Warp Speed was something incredible. These vaccines are a modern miracle. But but you know, you give you give Joe Biden and his administration the keys to a Ferrari. Just keep just keep it on the road. And they couldn’t. They couldn’t even managed to do that. They could
TODD: [00:50:56] not. All right. Well, Hogan, we’re going to leave it there. Hope you and the Gidley family have a happy new year, sir.