Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett is facing backlash from the conservative media world after she went on a wild tirade against President Trump and what she called “mediocre white boys.”
“I am tired of the white tears,” she told CNN. “So the only people that are crying are the mediocre white boys that have been beaten out by people that historically have had to work so, so much harder.”
Her rage the result of the president’s decision to eliminate all federal diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
“Let me tell you: We have a thug in charge of the United States,” she said, referring to the president. “And if we don’t wake up, we may not have a United States, because right now he has only been successful in being a divider in chief.”
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She also blasted the president’s deportation plans – accusing the president’s ancestors of colonizing America.
“The only people that came and colonized this place are your ancestors — Trump,” she said.
Crockett also said that white men are responsible for 80 percent of the violence crime in America – which is completely untrue, according to the FBI’s annual crime statistics.
Diversity, equity and inclusion ideology put sex and skin color ahead of meritocracy and competence. We should want the best and brightest whether it’s a brain surgeon or an air traffic controller.
And Speaker Mike Johnson should censure Congresswoman Crocket for her comments on CNN.
Rep. Crockett a low-class, professional race agitator. It’s not surprising that CNN allowed her to spew such vile racist hate against white people.
She would have you believe that she grew up in the oppressed South working the cotton fields during the 1980’s. For the record, President Lincoln emancipated the slaves in 1863.
And far from being oppressed, Crockett attended the tony Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School where tuition will set you back $34,910 annually. And she attended Rhodes College where tuition is $54,000 annually. Oh, to be oppressed.