
Pro-Trump Evangelicals Have Become a Whipping Boy for the Left & Right

Photo/Fox News
Photo/Fox News

By Todd Starnes

Evangelical Christians who are supporting Donald Trump have become a whipping boy for the left and the right.

The name-calling and self-righteous indignation from religious elites has quite frankly become tedious. 

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In recent days, evangelicals have been told they are destroying their moral credibility. One religious pundit suggested we would lose our Christian witness by voting for Mr. Trump.

We’ve been pilloried as heretics and hucksters — just shy of losing our religion. 

National Review, a once esteemed publication of conservative thought, published a repulsive article titled, “Evangelicals Without Standards.”

I harbor no illusions about Donald Trump. I have used this page to express my deep concerns about his campaign. I have publicly rebuked Mr. Trump when I’ve felt his rhetoric has crossed the line. 

But as bad as Mr. Trump may be – he is nowhere near as bad as Hillary Clinton — and that fact seems lost on many Never Trump conservatives. 

A Clinton White House would most certainly bring about a cultural Armageddon. The losses to religious liberty would be staggering. 

The courts would be in ruin. There is no doubt Clinton would hand over the Supreme Court and the lower courts to far- left judges. 

And once she has finished gutting religious liberty, she will declare war on the Second Amendment. The damage could very well be irreparable. 

And yet Evangelical scholars and Establishment Republicans seemingly dismiss those concerns as the ramblings of a bunch of backwater rubes. 

Meanwhile, a new survey by LifeWay Research revealed that 31 percent of American Evangelical voters plan to cast their ballot for Clinton. 

Perhaps the more pressing issue for the religious elites is why so many Evangelicals would rather cast their ballot for an unabashed abortion rights supporter?

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