By Todd Starnes
A popular graduation tradition at California’s Camarillo High School is about to come to an end because – well – because the grownups who run the school district are morons.
For as far back as anyone can remember graduates wore gowns reflecting the school colors. The guys wore navy blue gowns and the gals worn blue gowns.
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But that tradition just got deep-sixed for the sake of gender inclusivity – and now graduates will only be allowed to wear one color that represents all genders.
“This is a very big national initiative,” Oxnard Union High School District Supt. Penelope DeLeon told the student newspaper. “It is not about gender equality as much as it is about being respectful to everybody’s choice to select a gender or not to select a gender, and we have students who choose not to.”
Wait. What?
So, kids now have the option of being genderless? Is that the latest fad among the sex and gender revolutionaries?
The Stinger, in a well-written report, noted that not everyone is on board with the school district’s gender neutral color palate.
“I understand that gender neutrality is a growing topic,” student Drew Reyes told the newspaper. “I just think we could have [found] a solution that allowed us to keep both colors, since they’re both shades of blue.”
Well, that’s not going to happen because the school district is 50 shades of stupid.
“The whole school shouldn’t have to wear one color just to accommodate some people,” student Isaac DeLara told the newspaper.
School staffer Lori Pristera was happy to tackle that question.
“That’s like saying you have three percent of your graduating class who are deaf so we don’t want a sign language interpreter there because that’s not what 97 percent of the students need,” she told the newspaper.
Ironic – seeing how the school district is absolutely tone deaf on this issue.
But there might be a simple fix for students who want to honor tradition and wear gender-specific graduation gowns.
The guys should show up on graduation day wearing navy blue and the girls should wear blue.
If the principal objects, just them tell you are “color neutral.” And as a color neutral student, your navy blue gown actually identifies as a blue gown – or vice versa.
That oughta get the school district seeing red.


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