The Todd Starnes Show had an all-star line up on Wednesday’s show which airs Monday through Friday 12-3 PM EST live on!
Click here to listen to Wednesday’s show.
12:05 PM Todd Starnes Monologue: Mr. President, Close Isn’t Good Enough on ObamaCare Repeal!
12:20 PM Ken Cuccinelli, President of the Senate Conservatives Fund
“That was a lie, and the Repeal effort is starting to unmask all the liars.” Cuccinelli calls McConnell the “head alligator” of the Swamp that President Trump is trying to drain. “There is a lot of the Left in the Republican Party.” He points to Scalise and others, selling their conservative soul to be in leadership. “The solution is found in primaries.” “They run as us and govern as them.” McConnell ran more than 30,000 anti-ObamaCare ads, and talked about “repealing it root and branch…and he lied!”
1:20 PM Ken Ainsworth, CEO of Marucci Sports, featured at White House for Trump’s “Made in America” Initiative

The Marucci Sports CEO said it was a “tremendous honor” to get the invite from President Trump, and he believes the “Made in America” initiative will “help us come together and really lower some of these regulations and push to get more jobs here in the U.S. so we can make even more products here.” Ainsworth said the high regulations and taxes in America are responsible for at least a 25 or 30 percent increase in price to make products in the US as opposed to overseas. He also commented on when Trump swung his baseball bat in the Blue Room of the White House. “What a cool experience that was to have the president pick up the bat and then hand the Vice President his bat as well…that was just an awesome memory we’ll never forget.”
1:40 PM Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture
“The good thing about American agriculture is it’s made in America, from the field to the table.” The Ag. Secretary talked about Trump’s initiative to cut back any “job-killing regulations” hurting farmers, and commented on rolling back Michelle Obama’s school lunch program. “We saw usage go down and waste go up.” Todd and Sonny Perdue joked about getting President Trump to switch from eating KFC to Chick-fil-A, which Todd calls “the official chicken of Jesus.”
2:05pm – Say What? Two Michigan couples who wanted to adopt were told they would “have to give up some of your constitutional rights” have taken the matter to federal court. The couples — William and Jill Johnson and Brian and Naomi Mason — filed a complaint against the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, alleging violations of the Second Amendment rights of people who want to be adoptive or foster parents in the state. According to court documents, the Johnsons were asked by officials to be foster parents to their grandchild, but when William — a disabled veteran, and concealed pistol license holder — arrived to pick up the youth from MDHHS custody, caseworkers searched him and said he had to provide the serial numbers to all his firearms. When he questioned caseworkers about the legality of the policy, Johnson was told “if you want to care for your grandson you will have to give up some of your constitutional rights,” and that if he persisted, they would just “take his grandson and place him in a foster home.” Two weeks later, though a Gogebic County Court placed the boy with the Johnsons, the judge reportedly cautioned the couple to comply with MDHHS on their gun policy, saying, “We know we are violating numerous constitutional rights here, but if you do not comply, we will remove the boy from your home.”
2:20 PM Alan M. Gottlieb, Second Amendment Foundation Founder and Executive Vice President:
The SAF founder says the statements from the caseworker and judge “are simply outrageous.” Gottlieb says it’s happening in other states, not just Michigan. He adds they are suing because their Constitutional rights were violated. “This is a trend that’s being pushed by…[people] that hate guns.”
2:30 PM On Alert! Boston has launched a new public service campaign to fight Islamophobia by offering the public ways to address aggression toward others because of their appearance or beliefs. The campaign launched Monday involves 50 posters that provide a step-by-step guide to handling when someone is being harassed. They will be posted on bus stop benches and other public places around the city. Titled “What to do if you are witnessing Islamophobic harassment,” the posters encourage people to engage with the person who is being targeted and to draw attention away from the harasser. The technique is called “non-complementary behavior,” and is intended to disempower an aggressive person by countering their expectations.