
Will You Take the Thunderclap Challenge?

By Linda Gilden

“Go, and make disciples of all nations…”  Matthew 28:19 NIV

Recently I participated in a Thunderclap campaign.

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Not familiar with Thunderclap? The initiator of the program enlists as many friends as possible to allow a one-time posting on their Facebook pages on a specific day. The post goes to all the individual’s friends. So if you have 100 willing participants (the minimum number) the number of friends they have is added together. So the reach of the message can be enormous, possibly millions.

This morning as a Thunderclap message posted on my page, I wondered what would happen if we took the Thunderclap approach in sharing our faith. We have the message in place. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

The early Christians had to walk many miles on dusty streets in the hot sun to share the Jesus’ message with others and even then only reached a handful of people at a time. Their efforts often required leaving their homes, families, and jobs for long periods of time.

Today many can travel and go to foreign lands as missionaries. However, those of us who cannot are able to fulfill God’s Great Commission to tell the world through telephone lines and electronic communication. We can share the message of God’s love with those we never see and may never meet.

The same principle as the Thunderclap campaign can be used to advance God’s Kingdom. Do you have friends who will join you in your efforts to share the message of Jesus throughout the world?

Lord, Help us use every means possible to tell others about You.

Linda Gilden is a wordsmith who is intrigued by new words and tries not to squander her time looking for them. She and her family love living in the south. Linda is the mother of three children and three children-in-love and grandmother of six of the cutest children ever.  www.lindagilden.com.

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