
Princeton Prof Launches ‘Fidelity Month’ in Opposition to Pride

A prominent Princeton University professor is calling for June to be recognized as “Fidelity Month” as opposed to the LGBTQIA+ agenda.

Dr. Robert P. George, a McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, set up a website with a flag and symbol to highlight “the importance of fidelity to God, spouses and families, and our country and communities.”

The Christian conservative philosopher called on public officials, legislators, and pastors to do something to recognize Fidelity Month.

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Evangelist Franklin Graham celebrated the month in a post on social media.

“Did you know that God hates pride?” Graham said. “We read a lot about June being designated Pride Month, but I think Princeton professor @McCormickProf has a great idea—let’s celebrate humility and fidelity this month, not the opposite.”

Daily Signal managing editor Tyler O’Neil called George’s proclamation a “brilliant move to flip ‘Pride Month’ on its head” in an op-ed:

“Fidelity” acknowledges your inherent dignity, but it forces you to consider the dignity of your neighbor as well. We must be faithful not just to ourselves, but to our families, our communities, our nation, and the God who created us.

The LGBTQ+ movement encourages people to take pride in their identities, but Fidelity Month encourages us to fulfill our obligations to one another. It recognizes the inherent dignity of all people and encourages us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Pride views the world through the lens of self, and each person is indeed a magnificent image of the ineffable God. No person becomes himself without the help of others, however.

Finally, it offers a subtle reminder that Christians are not to strut about as though we are holier than the “Pride” brigades. We are redeemed sinners, called to faithfulness—not a mean-spirited “Pride” of our own. As St. Peter urged us, we should make a defense, giving the reason for the hope within us, “with gentleness and respect, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good name in Christ may be put to shame” (1 Peter 3:15-16).

George put out the following to describe the Fidelity Month logo:

In searching for a fitting symbol for Fidelity Month, Dr. George settled upon the myrtle wreath, as myrtle is a symbol of fidelity. In collaboration with Deacon John Barry of Top Dog Design Studio, additional elements were added to symbolize God, family, and country. 

The circular shape of the wreath is representative of God and His eternal nature, while the openness at the top of the wreath is suggestive of a divine embrace. The branches and leaves that compose the wreath signify a family that is dependent upon and in union with God. 

The star and stripe at the center bottom of the wreath symbolize our common union as Americans – “one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The color gold symbolizes generosity and compassion – virtues that are closely connected to fidelity (supporting it and being supported by it). Fidelity, generosity, and compassion are anti-narcissistic virtues, reflecting the knowledge – the wisdom – that everything is not “about me.” It is a recognition of the duties we have to others, and that our true fulfillment is to be found in serving others:  God, our spouses and families, our communities and country. 

The color blue, our background color, symbolizes truth, loyalty, responsibility, and peace.

George launched Fidelity Month with a Zoom webinar that you can watch below:

Which would you rather celebrate?

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