A family in Arlington, Virginia was befuddled when up on the rooftop there arose such a clatter. They looked in the chimney to see what was the matter. Down from the chimney came not a jolly old elf in a bright red suit, but instead, a giant feathered fowl with a holiday hoot.

The Animal Welfare League of Arlington posted video of the hilarious incident on its social media pages – in a post that’s now gone viral. The wild, barred owl flew down the chimney and into the kitchen. The feathered fowl then made a beeline to the family’s Christmas tree and perched itself on top.

The owl was safely removed from the home and set free.

Wildlife experts recommend that homeowners cap their chimneys to prevent other critters from seeking warmth during the winter months. It’s not uncommon for bats and squirrels to become part of the Christmas decorations. Owls – are cool. Bats, not so much. As for squirrels – I’d recommend asking Clark Griswold about that.