
“God Only Created Two Genders,” Says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

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The Equality Act is a dangerous piece of legislation that would relegate biological women to second-class citizens and would silence people of faith.

Among the fiercest opponents of the legislation is freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

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“The so-called “Equality” Act will destroy women’s rights, competitive female sports, and religious freedom,” she wrote on Twitter. “It’s completely unconstitutional.”

“God created ONLY TWO genders.” she rightfully pointed out.

Rep. Marie Newman (D-IL), whose office is directly across from Greene’s, posted something called a “transgender flag” to send a message to the Georgia congresswoman.

In response to that, Greene posted a placard outside her office stating a well known, scientifically proven fact: “There are two genders: male and female. Trust the science.”


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