Demario Davis, a starting linebacker for the New Orleans Saints, was fined more than $7,000 for wearing a headband with a Christian message.
The headband was emblazoned with the words “Man of God” – a big no-no in the National Football League these days.
“Of course you don’t want to be fined,” Davis told the Times Picayune. “Nobody wants to lose money but I think any time that the conversation about God is brought up, especially in these times, I think it’s always a positive or silver lining. If He can get glory from it, I think He can get glory from it whether I personally wear the headband or don’t wear the headband. He’s always gonna be in control of the whole situation. We’re still all good.”
The NFL has a rule that bans “personal messages” on uniforms.
So any football players who chooses to make a personal statement or message about their Christian faith is punished, but players who make a personal statement about the national anthem or the American flag are celebrated.