An 85-year-old Salvation Army volunteer was booted from his longtime perch outside Nordstrom in downtown Seattle because his presence made gay and lesbian workers uncomfortable.
The Seattle Times reports Dick Clarke had manned a red kettle outside the store for 19 years – raising more than $100,000 for a ministry that provides food banks home shelters and array of other ministries.
“Clarke said he was told in a meeting last week with head of stores Jamie Nordstrom that LGBTQ employees said The Salvation Army’s presence made them uncomfortable,” the newspaper reported.
As I document in my new book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation,” an army of militant LGBT activists has bullied Salvation Army for years – angered because they refuse to renounce their religious beliefs regarding marriage.
Clarke, a retired school teacher and principal, said he disagrees with the Salvation Army on the issue of same-sex marriage, but he puts aside his opinion to raise money for a worthwhile cause.
But that’s not good enough for the LGBT activists – who are demanding full and complete allegiance to their radical sexual jihad.
“Either you are an accepting organization or you are not,” Monisa Harrell, of Equal Rights Washington, told the newspaper.
There is not one shred of evidence that Salvation Army has ever turned away a member of the LGBT community from a shelter. There’s been not one story about a gay person being denied a hot meal.
“Our doors are, and always have been, open to all,” David Hudson, Salvation Army’s national commander wrote in a USA Today column. “We don’t ask anyone their orientation, identity or beliefs, to help ensure that they feel welcome and safe. So while we can’t claim an exact number, we believe by sheer size and access that we are the largest provider of poverty relief for people in the LGBTQ community.”
But as I document in “Culture Jihad,” that’s not good enough for the sex and gender revolutionaries. They want to destroy organizations like Salvation Army and Chick-fil-A and anyone else who follows the teachings of Christ.
“Yet because our organization is rooted in faith, a chorus repeatedly rises that insists we are anti-LGBTQ,” Hudson wrote. “And that refrain is dangerous to the very community we are wrongly accused of rejecting. At minimum, perpetuating rhetoric that vilifies an organization with the reach, housing, programming and resources that we have in place to lift them up is counterintuitive and inefficient. But when that organization depends on the generosity of donors to provide much-needed assistance to so many across all walks of life, it’s devastating.”
Let’s be clear – the militant gay rights community want to put Salvation Army out of business. That’s their agenda. If that means gay homeless kids have to go hungry and sleep on the sidewalks — well, I reckon that’s collateral damage.