DEVELOPING STORY: The days of drag shows on military bases and Pentagon promotions based on preferred pronouns are over. The world’s greatest fighting force is about to get back to its original mission: killing the enemy and blowing up the bad guys.
“The United States military has a clear mission: to protect the American people and our homeland as the world’s most lethal and effective fighting force,” President Trump said. “Success in this existential mission requires a singular focus on developing the requisite warrior ethos, and the pursuit of military excellence cannot be diluted to accommodate political agendas or other ideologies harmful to unit cohesion.”
The White House has announced they are embracing meritocracy and ending diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
“In recent years civilian and uniformed leadership alike have implemented Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and their attendant race and sex preferences within the Armed Forces,” the White House said in a statement. “These actions undermine leadership, merit, and unit cohesion, thereby eroding lethality and force readiness. They also violate Americans’ consciences by engaging in invidious race and sex discrimination.”
In short, that means the Armed Forces will operate “free from any preference based on race and sex.”
“The Department of Defense and the Armed Forces, including any educational institution operated or controlled thereby, are prohibited from promoting, advancing, or otherwise inculcating the following un-American, divisive, discriminatory, radical, extremist, and irrational theories,” the White House said.
Among those divisive concepts are any programs that teach that America’s founding documents are racist or sexist. Gender ideology has also been banned.
“For the sake of our Nation and the patriotic Americans who volunteer to serve it, military service must be reserved for those mentally and physically fit for duty,” Trump said. “The Armed Forces must adhere to high mental and physical health standards to ensure our military can deploy, fight, and win, including in austere conditions and without the benefit of routine medical treatment or special provisions.”