The Young America’s Foundation reported Monday that it obtained a syllabus handed out by an Iowa State University professor who warned students who may have opposing views on abortion and Black Lives Matter.
Chloe Clark, the English professor, reportedly included in the syllabus a bold section with GIANT WARNING in caps. The document said there will be no tolerance of “racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, sorophobia, transphobia, classism, mocking of mental health issues, body shaming, etc.”
The note went on to state that there should be no paper or project that argues against “gay marriage, abortion, Black Lives Matter, etc.” She called these basic human rights and any challenge would not be considered.
YAF, the conservative group, reported that the school did not immediately respond for comment. But the group wrote, “This bigoted behavior from a public university professor is truly unbecoming. This blatant discrimination against conservative students, in particular, those who are pro-life or oppose the Marxist BLM organization cannot stand at an institution of higher learning,” YAF wrote.
Protests have erupted across the U.S. in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody in May. Support of Black Lives Matter, the movement, has been criticized by conservatives who say the group has Marxist ideals and is popular only because it is masquerading as a social justice movement.
Detractors of the movement point to how anyone who voices even the most benign opposition to the movement suffers public vitriol and is painted a racist.
The YAF recently teamed up with Town Hall, the news website, to get an idea about how high school and college students actually feel about the country’s institutions, history and values.
TODD STARNES’ NEW BOOK: “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.”
The study found that 66 percent of high school students believe America is exceptional, which is noticeably higher than the 47 percent of college students. The study also showed that 70 percent of high school students look favorably on the country’s history compared to 44 percent of college students.
Spencer Brown, the spokesman for the group, told the “Todd Starnes Show” back in July that it is in college that “leftist professors” go to work.
“Everything from abolishing prisons, to defunding the police to paying reparations…. everything that was totally normal on college campuses for years—so now to see it spilling over into the mainstream…a lot of people were caught off guard,” Brown said.