The following is a transcript of Todd’s daily commentary – heard on hundreds of radio stations around the nation. Click here to join Todd’s private Facebook page for conservatives.
Former NFL player Ray McElroy knows something about God and the Gridiron. He’s a well-known evangelical leader and speaker.
The other day the Junior ROTC hosted a lunchtime event featuring McElroy at Richards High School in Oak Lawn, Illinois.
Students were invited to hear McElroy’s testimony and enjoy a free Chick-fil-A sandwich. It was definitely an upgrade from the mystery meat they served in the lunchroom.
But the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based gang of atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers, took offense.
“It is inappropriate and unconstitutional for the district to offer religious leaders unique access to proselytize students during the school day on school property,” FFRF Legal Fellow Karen Heineman wrote to Community High School District 218 Superintendent Ty Harting. “The district cannot allow its schools to be used as recruiting grounds for religious missions.”
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They say that school leaders broke the law by letting Pastor McElroy talk to students.
“Allowing church representatives access during school hours to proselytize and recruit students is a violation of the Establishment Clause,” the attorney wrote.
The Wisconsin-based atheists accused Christians of attempting to lure kids to the talk with a delicious chicken sandwich.
The school district investigated and promptly surrendered to the aggrieved atheists. They promised to never mix fried chicken sandwiches and the Almighty.
“Public schools exist to educate, not to indoctrinate,” says FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. “We appreciate this school district for taking action to stop evangelists who are preying on a captive audience.”
It seems that Christians and Chick-fil-A sandwiches give atheists a raging case of indigestion.