Lazy people are just collecting from the government when they could be working, millennial “Todd Starnes Show” caller, Connor from Boston, said Wednesday.
Connor, a regular on the program, made the comments related to the Biden administration’s baby formula shortage.
Below is a rushed transcript from the Todd Starnes Radio Show, which airs live from coast to coast noon to 3 p.m. EST.
Starnes: Let’s go to Boston. Connor on the line. Hey, Connor, what’s going on?
Connor: Hey, Todd. Well, first of all, I got to take it a point further to what Chris said. I mean, this is the greatest radio talk show on the planet, in my opinion.
Starnes: Well, thank you.
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Connor: I mean, you know, it’s just the obvious. I’m stating the obvious here. But I’m going to tell you something right now. When we are having this baby shortage formula. Part of it is due. We probably don’t have people who are willing to go out there and work in these factories to produce this formula in America domestically. You know, we have so many people in my generation, in my my age bracket. Right. You know, I hate to say this, and I’m painting with a broad brush here, but we have lazy people who literally are just collecting from the government and what they can and they don’t want to work. So we have to rely on our foreign powers to, you know, produce this baby formula for us because we don’t have workers. We have shuttered factories across America. We have all these other resources to produce it, but we don’t have the workforce in order to produce it because they’re just collecting from the government. I think we should get to a point where if we have able bodied, you know, working people who are able to work, it’s like if they are just, you know, basically defrauding the taxpayers, it’s like we’re going to look into it and they’re either going to go into the workforce to pay back this money they took or they’re going to join the military. So we take this stock of the military that way, but we need to do something about this labor shortage in America because we just have people who are staying home, playing the Xbox, you know, going online and, you know, when they could be out there working and producing for their, you know, their fellow citizens, it’s just ridiculous.
Starnes: Have you noticed, Connor, we’ve got about 30 seconds here, but have you noticed in your age bracket, you’re a young person. Have you noticed a lot of people your age not wanting to go out and work?
Connor: Yes. I had surgery in March. I was laid up for a while, so I was playing, like I was on Xbox Live. And I can’t even tell you how many people who I know who are good people, but they’re just at home on like a Monday morning. They’re just playing, playing online, you know, they’re just not doing anything. And when I asked them, like, “hey what’s going on with you?,” they’re like, “Oh, well, you know, why would I want to go to work when I can just collect?” I said, “Because you should have the pride of wanting to do it.” I mean, it’s like if everybody is just staying at home. It’s like our country is just going to take a dive into the ground and it’s going to go to hell in a handbasket.
Starnes: Unbelievable. Yeah. No, I’m with you, Connor. I think we’ve got a laziness problem in the country, and I think the worst thing that happened, those stimulus checks. They should have, you know, they should never have given the money, because once you start giving people those checks, it’s just a government handout, taxpayer-funded government handout. All right, Conner, good call. Good to hear from you.