
STARNES: Those Dudes Don’t Look Like Ladies

Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Rachel Levine and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Nuclear Energy Sam Brinton are “flaunting” their transgender status as the world laughs, national radio host Todd Starnes said.

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The two were spotted at the French Embassy to honor Bastille Day.

Brinton posted on social media, “not gonna lie, it felt great to commiserate with a fellow trans person facing the hate.”

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Below is a rushed transcript from the Todd Starnes Show, which airs noon to 3 p.m. EST daily nationwide:

Is the Biden administration embarrassing the U.S. on a global stage?

STARNES: [01:12:23] So President Biden’s assistant secretary for Health and Human Services, Dr. Rachel Levine, he’s a man, a very large man in a small dress. Dr. Levine is actually advocating now for your children to receive puberty blockers and to get sex reassignment surgery. This is Dr. Levine on MSDNC. [01:12:48][25.5]

DR. LEVINE: [01:12:50] So we really want to debase our treatment and to affirm and to support and empower these youth not to limit their participation in activities to sports and even limit their ability to get gender affirmation treatment in their state. [01:13:06][16.4]

STARNES: [01:13:07] These people are beyond radicals. Beyond radicals. That’s Dr. Rachel Levine, a man who thinks he’s a woman, by the way, showed up at the French embassy the other day. Have you seen these photographs? The Russians are laughing at us. So the photograph features Dr. Levine in a dress with pantyhose, attending a party at the French Embassy on the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille. Now, there was also another individual in the photograph, the deputy assistant secretary of nuclear energy, Sam Brinton, who also identifies as a woman or is non-binary. I know this guy is bald as all get out. He looks like Dr. Evil and he’s wearing some sort of a cocktail dress that you would you I’m sorry to say this, but Grace Baker, I mean, you’re a woman. You’re of you’re fashionable. But this looks like something a woman would wear if she’s working in the red light district. A street corner. [01:14:15][67.8]

BAKER: [01:14:16] Ooh, yeah. [01:14:17][0.9]

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STARNES: [01:14:17] It’s a really. I mean, it’s not even a party. It’s looks like a slip. And the guy’s a guy. He’s a man, man. [01:14:24][6.5]

BAKER: [01:14:26] Dude looks like a lady. [01:14:26][0.6]

STARNES: [01:14:28] No, they don’t look like ladies. Those dudes do not look like ladies. But the Russians are. The Russian bloggers are going bonkers over this and people are laughing. The world is laughing at us. [01:14:38][10.7]

BAKER: [01:14:39] Yep. They’re laughing at Biden. They’re laughing at these folks. [01:14:42][3.8]

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STARNES: [01:14:43] And I don’t care if you’re a sidewalk Sally and if you work a street corner at DuPont Circle or I don’t care. But you know what? That’s inappropriate to wear at any sort of official gathering when you’re representing the United freakin States of America. Yeah, that’s all I’m saying. Yeah. [01:14:58][14.4]

BAKER: [01:14:58] Yeah. [01:14:58][0.0]

STARNES: [01:14:58] There’s a time and a place, and that ain’t it. [01:15:01][2.2]

BAKER: [01:15:02] Hey, listen, just. Just wear the suit. [01:15:03][1.6]

STARNES: [01:15:04] Just put on some pants. Put on some pants. [01:15:07][3.5]

BAKER: [01:15:08] That’s what I’m trying to say. Please. All right, these were some pants. Hey, women even wear suits. Like, just wear a suit. Just wear pants. Suit. [01:15:16][7.9]

STARNES: [01:15:16] Come on. They’re flaunting it. And by the way, my understanding is that the nuclear guy’s not even qualified. [01:15:21][4.8]

BAKER: [01:15:22] No. Oh, no, nope. It doesn’t matter about that, Todd. It just matters about how they identify. [01:15:27][4.7]

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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