
STARNES: What Do They Want Me To Do, Pick Cotton?

Todd Starnes responded to a woke professor making suggestions for white people on Juneteenth.

After Melina Abdullah, a professor of Pan-African studies told white people that Juneteenth should be their reparations day, the Todd Starnes Show host said he wants to know exactly what she means by reparations, suggesting that she may want him to start picking cotton.



Below is a rushed transcript from the Todd Starnes Show, which airs live daily noon to 3 p.m. EST:

Should white people be allowed to celebrate Juneteenth?

STARNES: [01:10:42] I bring you this item from Melina Abdullah, Grace Baker. So Melina Abdullah, you may say, who, pray tell, is Melina Abdullah? Oh, she has a very important position, taxpayer funded position at Cal State. She is a professor in the Department of Pan-African Studies. And this has nothing to do with skillets. This is Pan-African. You alright there, Grace? [01:11:13][31.2]

GRACE BAKER: [01:11:15] I feel a little peckish after hearing that. [01:11:18][2.8]

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STARNES: [01:11:18] Hey, now. So, anyway, Professor Abdullah of the Department of Pan-African Studies wrote this on her social media page. “Attention, white people,” that’s us. Alright, maybe I should be a little bit more vocal about this. “Attention, white people,” [01:11:37][18.7]

BAKER: [01:11:38] That’s better. [01:11:38][0.3]

STARNES: [01:11:39] This is from Professor Abdullah, whose salary is paid for by your tax dollars. “Attention, white people, please don’t ask if you can come to the cookout. Juneteenth is Freedom Day for black folks. It should be reparations day for white folks.” [01:11:54][15.0]

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BAKER: [01:11:55] Dang. That’s a little harsh. [01:11:56][1.3]

STARNES: [01:11:57] Escalated quickly. So what are we supposed to do? Are we supposed to bring the charcoal briquettes? I mean, as a way of expressing our reparations. You know, I read comments like this, and, look, I don’t know why Juneteenth is a federal holiday. I mean, if you want to make emancipation a federal holiday, make Emancipation Day a federal holiday, not Juneteenth. [01:12:21][23.2]

BAKER: [01:12:24] See this is closer to the 4th of July. [01:12:26][1.8]

STARNES: [01:12:27] And you see, this is why, because they want to, you know, they want to attack the 4th of July. And what they’re trying to tell you, these people like Melina Abdullah, who has no discernible skillset, only to be a rabble rouser and she is the chairperson or she’s a professor in the Department of Pan-African Studies, which has nothing to do with skillets. So they want to marginalize the 4th of July. And what they want to say is, well, that’s the white people holiday. But we all know how it goes because they’ll double dip. So they’ll celebrate on Juneteenth and then they’ll double dip and celebrate on the 4th of July. [01:13:07][39.6]

BAKER: [01:13:07] You mean they’ll go to both barbecues? [01:13:08][1.0]

STARNES: [01:13:08] They’ll go to both barbecues. I’m just saying, but may I just, I’m reading this woman’s thing here. This statement from Melina Abdullah. [01:13:17][9.0]

BAKER: [01:13:17] Sad little woman. [01:13:18][0.5]

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STARNES: [01:13:18] She well, she is a sad woman. And we’re going to try, I’m going to call her. I’m going to see if I can get Professor Abdullah to come on the program. [01:13:27][8.4]

BAKER: [01:13:28] Okay. I think you should definitely give her a personal call. [01:13:30][2.4]

STARNES: [01:13:31] But anyway, I’m concerned about this idea of reparations, because, Grace Baker, I read these comments that these people make, and it seems to me that they think that one day people like you and me ought to be out in the fields picking cotton. That’s what I think these people really want. Well, I mean, what else do you think they mean? When you say reparations, what do you think reparations mean? [01:13:53][22.3]

BAKER: [01:13:54] I give them money. [01:13:54][0.6]

STARNES: [01:13:55] Yeah, I know that’s going to cause controversy, but you know what? I’m calling these people out. What do you mean I owe you reparations? [01:14:00][4.9]

BAKER: [01:14:01] I’m gonna get a phone call. [01:14:01][0.6]

STARNES: [01:14:02] What am I supposed to do, mow your grass? I’m supposed to weedwack? [01:14:04][2.2]

Todd’s new book about the socialist takeover of America makes an important addition to your library — Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation. Available right now at ToddStarnes.com.

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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