
Doug Mastriano SLAMS Biden’s FBI ‘Night Raid’ Against Pro-Life Activist

Pennsylvania Republican candidate for governor Doug Mastriano condemned the FBI’s “night raid” against a prominent Catholic pro-life activist in his state on the “Todd Starnes Show” Monday.


As many as 30 heavily-armed FBI agents swarmed the home of Mark Houck to arrest him for reportedly shoving a pro-abortion activist who confronted his 12-year-old son outside an abortion clinic last October.

“It really is chilling what’s going on,” state Sen. Mastriano told host Todd Starnes. “I was in the Army for 30 years and that is the kind of raid we do against known insurgents who are heavily armed and funded by military-grade weapons. We send about 30 or so special ops and many vehicles. And the only thing that was missing here, Todd, was breaking down the door. And I bet that would have happened had the house, of course, been delayed in answering.”

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The district court in Philadelphia threw out the case against Houck

“That’s not good enough for Joe Biden though,” Mastriano said. “So Joe Biden’s now using the federal charges and federal agents to enforce this law…Obviously, Todd, it’s designed to send a signal per Joe Biden’s awful, horrific speech in Independence Hall last month here that the political opponents here that he is going to go against us and he wants us to sit down and comply.”

The retired military officer slammed the DOJ for not applying equal justice under the law.

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“Where’s the night raid against those left-wingers that had been burning down and vandalizing emergency crisis pregnancy centers? Where is the similar reaction against that horrible man in North Dakota running down a beautiful 18-year-old kid over a political disagreement?” Mastriano asked.

“I renounce this. I’m calling for people, leaders in the FBI, to throw the B.S. flag up when they see this here. Somebody’s got to step in…Right now, we’re seeing an assault on our freedoms here and it needs to end,” Mastriano said.

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“If you don’t believe the Biden administration is using the FBI as a bully pulpit, you better wake up,” Starnes said.

Mastriano slammed his opponent Democrat Attorney General Josh Shapiro for creating a “police state” during COVID.

Although Shapiro has outspent him and labeled him an “extremist,” Mastriano remains hopeful.

“I’m extreme when it comes to defending the American people that I was willing to lay down my life for them,” he added. “I guess I’m extreme on the Constitution defending our rights as I actually did defend them in faraway places.”

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Below is a rushed transcript from the Todd Starnes Show interview with Doug Mastriano:

STARNES: A lot of information to get through a lot of big stories breaking all over the weekend, including one that we’re going to start out with today from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Now, I just want you to imagine something. Imagine that you are in the privacy of your home, that you are just getting up, getting ready to start the day. You have your wife there, seven children. And all of a sudden you hear banging on the door and you realize that your home is surrounded by an army of heavily armed FBI agents. Well, that’s exactly what happened over the weekend with with with a prominent a prominent member of the pro-life community. We have the story up on Todd Starnes dot com. And this should alarm every single freedom-loving American in the nation. It’s absolutely reprehensible what happened at this home when these FBI agents took into custody a very well-known Catholic leader, pro-life leader and bestselling author. Mark Hawkins is his name. And in front of his wife and children, he was shackled with a gun pointed at his head. Very few Republicans are speaking out about this, but one man in particular is and I really respect that this man has the boldness to come out and condemn what happened in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He’s the man who wants to be the next Republican governor of Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano, and he is on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line today. So good to have you with us, sir.

MASTRIANO: Thank you, Todd. It really is chilling what’s going on. I mean, I was in the Army for 30 years and that is the kind of raid we do against known insurgents who are heavily armed and funded by, you know, military-grade weapons. We send, you know, about 30 or so special ops and many vehicles. And the only thing that was missing here, Todd, was breaking down the door. And I bet that would have happened had the house, of course, been delayed in answering.

STARNES: I’m with you, Doug. That’s what I was expecting, the battering ram, the whole nine yards. Or can you give us some background on what happened, what led to this raid?

MASTRIANO: Yeah. Apparently, about a year ago they were there was an incident between…the victim, of course, here is the guy. We’re speaking out, Mark. He’s the sidewalk counselor at a clinic. And apparently one of the pro-abortion counselors got into an altercation with Mark’s 12-year-old kid. And apparently there I guess he was the protagonist was pushing around or whatever and fell over. And district court in Philadelphia threw the case out. That’s not good enough for Joe Biden though. So Joe Biden’s now using the federal charges and federal agents to enforce this law. Now, look. That’s fine, but show up with, you know, two or four agents and discretely go in with a couple of car cars and, you know, do what you have to do. But this is obviously, Todd, it’s designed to send a signal per Joe Biden’s awful, horrific speech in Independence Hall last month here that the political opponents here that he is going to go against us and he wants us to sit down and comply.

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STARNES: No, I think you’re right. And Doug, we did the homework here. We looked and apparently it’s shoving, which is what he is accused of doing here. Shoving would be a misdemeanor, certainly not worthy of sending out an army of what, 30 they’re telling us, up to 30 FBI agents to some guy’s home. I think you’re right. I think this is meant to, again, send a message, much like the FBI and the Biden administration sent a message when they dispatched FBI agents to the homes of moms and dads raising concerns about school boards.

MASTRIANO: Exactly. Thank you for bringing that up here. And you know, what we see in my opponent is an echo of this here. You know, he didn’t let any rock be unturned when it came to enforcing our governor’s shutdowns or even suing our kids to keep them masked up or, you know, supporting the idea it’s okay to have boys in the girl’s bathroom. And so my opponent, Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, wants to make Pennsylvania that kind of police state. And I say that because he did that during the COVID shutdown. He never came to the defense of parents or business owners, sued to keep business shut down. He even sued the Little Sisters of the Poor, waging a political war against these beautiful nuns who dedicated their lives to helping the poor over a religious issue. You know, I thought the left was supposed to be so tolerant, but apparently only when you agree with them.

STARNES: Yeah, you’re absolutely right. And of course, we’ve seen over the past couple of days Republican campaigners, volunteers that have been attacked in Texas, one in Massachusetts, and, of course, that horrible story out of North Dakota where the poor kid was mowed down because he was accused of being a Republican extremist. Doug, I think the message here is that words matter and this administration is trying to bully and intimidate conservatives and Republicans.

MASTRIANO: And here we go. We have, you know, a misdemeanor, as you rightly said, a shoving match, you know, on a sidewalk outside an abortion clinic. Where is the justice? Where is the night raid, as I call them, as we call it in Afghanistan, where’s the night raid against those left-wingers that had been burning down and vandalizing emergency crisis pregnancy centers? Where is the similar reaction against that horrible man in North Dakota running down a beautiful 18-year-old kid over a political disagreement? And we’re only seeing this application of heavy-handed weaponization of DOJ, you know, on our side. And we’re supposed to have equal justice before the law. And I renounce this. I’m calling for people, leaders in the FBI, to throw the B.S. flag up when they see this here. Somebody’s got to step in. Just following orders doesn’t work. We need to have equal application of the law, and we need proportionality. And what we’re seeing now is not. Right now, we’re seeing an assault on our freedoms here and it needs to end.

STARNES: Doug Mastriano is the Republican candidate for governor in the state of Pennsylvania. We got word over the weekend Liz Cheney, the outgoing Republican congresswoman from Wyoming, says that she would campaign against and she singled out two people, Kerry Lake in Arizona. And you. And I’d like to get your reaction to that.

MASTRIANO: Teddy Roosevelt says you could judge a man’s character based off of who his enemies are. So thank you, Liz. Liz has been on the wrong side of history. She and her dad. I happened to fight in two of three of her daddy’s wars. And, you know, and we watched the Cheney family get rich off these wars here. So consider the source.

STARNES: Well, well said. And it’s a great point. Let’s talk real quick about the campaign. You’re fighting not only against the Democrats, but those establishment Republicans. How are things going out there for you?

MASTRIANO: We are, you know, heavily outspent, you know, in every contested race around the nation. My thoughts on this are being borne out that we will be outspent, you know, whether it’s in Arizona or Maryland or Pennsylvania, you pick a state that’s a battleground. But we’re really heartened that we’ve seen my opponent spent like $26 million in ads in the midst of running these terrible hyperbolic ads, you know, against a retired Army colonel, top secret access for 30 years, serving my country my entire adult life, you know, and fighting wars to defend our Constitution, trying to label people like me extreme. You know, I guess, Todd, I’m extreme when it comes to defending the American people that I was willing to lay down my life for them. I guess I’m extreme on the Constitution defending our rights as I actually did defend them in faraway places. But it hasn’t worked. We’ve watched a series of four polls out there from reliable groups, and we’re just looking at those with a good reputation. Trafalgar had a poll about a month ago. I was four points behind. Emerson College a week later, three points behind. Another Trafalgar Poll a week and a half ago, two points behind. And Richard Barrister’s group has me tied. We’re doing our own polling in Pennsylvania and we’ve seen Democrat leads in Democrat counties be cut in half in the midst of me not even running TV ads yet. And we’re about to start doing that. So we’re heartened. That’s how we’re taking our message directly to the people, and it’s the fact that we’ve just about completed hitting every each and every of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania. We’re going to wrap it up in Bucks County Saturday near Washington, Crossing State Park, a very important place. And, you know, we have your platform, of course. Thank you for sharing with us. And, you know, going directly online and social media and we’re seeing this movement across the state that’s just incredible.

STARNES: Well, look, anytime you need to come on the show between now and Election Day, you let us know you have an open invitation. Very excited about your campaign. And, man, you’ve been taking a lot of hits from the establishment Republicans and the Democrats, which tells me you’re you’re hitting somebody where they need to be hit. And I really appreciate you standing up for this pro-life leader, this author. Absolutely reprehensible what has happened to this guy. Doug, we’re going to have to leave it there. And I know we have a link to your website, but tell folks where can they go if they want to get more information and help out the campaign?

MASTRIANO: Please help out. We are the Keystone State. We get it right in Pennsylvania. I think we could change the course for America. It Dougforgov.com.

STARNES: All right. Very easy and very simple, folks get involved. Every vote matters. Doug, appreciate you coming on the show today.

MASTRIANO: Thank you, sir. God bless you.

STARNES: All right. Likewise. Doug Mastriano, a military veteran, served in two wars and now he is in a political war, taking on establishment Republicans and the Democrats there in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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