Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake told the Todd Starnes Show she “will win” the race and fix her state’s election “incompetence.”
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It was reported on Election Day that nearly 20 percent of Maricopa County’s voting machines were defective. Two days later, Lake told host Todd Starnes that there are still nearly 400,000 votes to be counted.
“We’re still waiting for them to count these heavy Republican votes that we believe are going to go incredibly high into the Republican column. And we will win this,” she said.
“It’s frustrating,” Lake said. “You know, we sounded the alarm, Todd, after 2020. I did. I’ve been sounding the alarm since Nov. 3 Of 2020. And we were chastised. They tried to humiliate us. They tried to cancel us. If you talked about the election, they called you an election denier and they shut people up.”
She continued, “And because of that, because they did that. Now here we are two years later with messed up elections.“
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However, the candidate remains confident that she will be elected governor of Arizona.
“We’re still waiting for them to count these heavy Republican votes that we believe are going to go incredibly high into the Republican column,” Lake said to Starnes. “And we will win.”
When she takes office, Lake vows to fix Arizona’s broken election system.
“It is time we have a discussion about our elections and restore faith, honesty and transparency,” Lake insisted. “And I will vow to the people of Arizona when I take office, we’re doing that and we’re starting that job on day one.”
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The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show which airs daily from noon to 3:00 p.m. EST.
TODD STARNES: [00:00:00] I want to go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line, a great American patriot and the person I believe will be the next governor of the state of Arizona, Kari Lake joins us. Kari, good to have you back with us. How are things going in Arizona today? What’s the latest? [00:00:15][14.8]
KARI LAKE: [00:00:16] Well, let me say frustrating. You know, when you’re someone who is a worker and you get stuff done when you’re watching incompetency and work not getting done it is frustrating. You know, you want to get in there and do it yourself. But unfortunately, that’s not how it works. And we have to wait for Maricopa County to count the votes. And we had a record number of people who showed up at the polls. They brought their mail in ballot on Election Day to the poll and handed it to the poll workers because they didn’t want to put it in one of those drop boxes and they didn’t want to put it in a mailbox. And those are most likely to be very heavy Republican votes, people who don’t trust the way our election system is working, and they have close to 400,000 of those type of votes to count. But they have to take them out of the envelope and look at the signature. We believe that the vast majority of those are going to go our way. This race is already tight right now. It’s almost a statistical dead heat. And we’re going to start seeing a lot of these ballots go in our direction. I just heard that the ballots are still counting and I think they’re going to be releasing 20,000, our mail in ballots that arrived early. The ones that arrive early are typically more of a Democrat vote. So we’re still waiting for them to count these heavy Republican votes that we believe are going to go incredibly high into the Republican column. And we will win this. But it’s frustrating. You know, we sounded the alarm, Todd, after 2020. I did. I’ve been sounding the alarm since Nov. 3 Of 2020. And we were chastised. They tried to humiliate us. They tried to cancel us. If you talked about the election, they called you an election denier and they shut people up. People were afraid to talk about what they saw, what was wrong with our elections. You were considered un-American if you talked about what was wrong with our elections. And because of that, because they did that. Now we are two years later with messed up elections. It is time we have a discussion about our elections and restore faith, honesty and transparency. And I will vow to the people of Arizona when I take office, we’re doing that and we’re starting that job on day one. [00:02:28][131.6]
STARNES: [00:02:28] And Kari, I mean look at what happened in Florida where they were able to count all the votes.In one night everybody knew who won, who lost. And it was very efficient. The same thing in states like Tennessee. And people are just looking, I think, around the country and saying, what the heck is going on in Arizona right now? [00:02:47][18.2]
LAKE: [00:02:48] Well, we had terrible elections in 2020 and we had some great lawmakers who wanted to get to the bottom of it, and they were practically run out of town. And we had a bunch of people who were Republicans who refused to do anything about it. We needed leadership from the top that said, let’s restore our elections. We didn’t get it. We kicked the can down the road. We acted like it was a perfect election when it wasn’t. And now we are left two years later with an election that is out of control. And so we got to get through this one. We got to work through all of the problems to get to the other side, to win and make sure that we actually come together and make this election reform happen. I vow to do that. [00:03:30][41.9]
STARNES: [00:03:30] Kari, we’ve got about 30 seconds and I believe that is going to happen. Have you made any plans to help care for and minister to the members of the mainstream media? Because, you know, they’re going to be incredibly triggered when you take the oath of office. [00:03:44][13.8]
LAKE: [00:03:46] I’ll try not to laugh. [00:03:47][0.8]
STARNES: [00:03:47] You’re a compassionate person. [00:03:48][1.0]
LAKE: [00:03:50] You know, I actually have been working with them now for 525 days since we announced when we ran for office. And what’s happening is they’re starting to ask better questions because we record them when they’re recording us, I’m recording them. And we’re just happy to put out them acting like fools when they do. And I’ve noticed that they’re starting to ask better questions and not be as agenda driven. So I think we’re making some inroads with them and teaching them the proper way to be a journalist. [00:04:16][26.5]
STARNES: [00:04:17] Kari, you know that music means we’ve got to scoot it out of here, but we wish you the very best. The whole country’s got your back here. And we look forward to calling you governor very soon. [00:04:26][8.6]
LAKE: [00:04:28] Okay. Thank you, Todd. We’ll talk soon. [00:04:29][1.5]