Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told the Todd Starnes Show audience the Biden administration could be compromised due to the Biden family’s suspicious, foreign business dealings.
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When asked if Biden himself could be complicit in the corruption, Comer replied, “Absolutely.”
“Hunter Biden received millions and millions of dollars from China,” Comer told national radio host Todd Starnes. “But the fact that Hunter Biden received all this money and the fact that according to emails and text messages and interviews we’ve had with former associates of Hunter Biden, Hunter was paying for many of Joe Biden’s basic living expenses. So, you know, you’ve got a situation where this White House could be compromised by China.”
Comer is set to be the next chair of the House Oversight Committee, as Republicans will retake control of the chamber in January. He and other members of the GOP announced an official investigation into the Biden administration earlier this month.
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The congressman also slammed Democrats for allowing the Biden administration to spend billions of dollars irresponsibly with no accountability or oversight from Congress.
“I mean, it’s endless if you look, Todd, the Democrats haven’t investigated anything over the last two years. They haven’t tried to hold anyone accountable,” Comer said. “And no one fact checks the federal government, no one fact checks the Biden administration, and certainly no one has held anyone accountable for wrongdoing that everyone knows has persisted over the past two years.”
Despite the fact that they are receiving pushback, Comer said the oversight committee will work to hold the Biden administration accountable.
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“We’re trying to determine whether this is something that has compromised this White House,” Comer said. “And instead of answering our questions or complying with our basic information that we’ve requested, they want to launch attacks. So we’re prepared for battle. We just want to get the facts to the American people and see what happens after that.”
The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show which airs daily from noon to 3:00 p.m. EST.
TODD STARNES: [01:28:12] I want to go right now to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. One of the most important members of the new Congress is going to be our next guest. He is the congressman representing the first congressional district in the commonwealth of Kentucky. Congressman James Comer joins us. Congressman, hope you had a good Thanksgiving. [01:28:30][17.1]
REP. JAMES COMER (R-KY): [01:28:32] I had a great Thanksgiving. [01:28:32][0.3]
STARNES: [01:28:33] Well, good. And I hope you got enough turkey in you to go to battle against the Biden Administration, because I know you guys are going to need every ounce of strength you get to go after these guys. [01:28:45][11.3]
COMER: [01:28:46] We are. They’re fighting back, you know, anything’s fair game with with the Biden people. You know, we’ve always wondered who’s calling the shots in the White House. We still don’t know that. But whoever whoever it is, they’re fighting dirty. And they have friends in the media who are getting their backs. And, you know, we’re just basically trying to have a fair, credible investigation to investigate potential wrongdoing from within the Biden family. We’re trying to determine whether this is something that has compromised this White House. And instead of answering our questions or complying with our basic information that we’ve requested, they want to launch attacks. So we’re prepared for battle. We just want to get the facts to the American people and see what happens after that. [01:29:37][50.9]
STARNES: [01:29:38] Congressman, have you been able to determine I mean, how many investigations can you imagine happening when it comes to this administration? [01:29:45][7.4]
COMER: [01:29:47] I mean, it’s endless if you look, Todd, the Democrats haven’t investigated anything over the last two years. They haven’t tried to hold anyone accountable. You think about all the money that’s been spent, all the stimulus bills, all the unemployment extension, all the PPP loans, all the state and local government handouts from the federal government, and not a single committee hearing on where that money went. The Ukraine money, you know, no one knows exactly where the money’s going. And yet this administration continues to work to spend more money. So we’ve got to go back two years and try to get some kind of handle on where all this money went out the door. We believe it’s between 25 and 30% of the unemployment funds were sent out of country. You know, no telling how much was at the end of the day, fraudulently abused in the United States. But we were victims of cyber attacks. From the unemployment standpoint, there are companies that were fraudulent companies that got PPP loans, companies that clearly didn’t meet the metrics for being eligible for PPP loans, got million dollar plus loans. So, you know, somebody has to get the backs of the American taxpayers. And not only do we have to do it from today moving forward, we have to go back two years as well because there will never be as much money spent in the history of of Congress per capita, as there was during the first two years of the Biden administration. So, you know, to answer your question, we’re going to do as many investigations as we can to try to get answers and hold people accountable for wrongdoing. [01:31:30][103.5]
STARNES: [01:31:31] I mean, we’re talking about tens of billions of dollars that went to Ukraine. And our understanding is the administration cannot account for a lot of that money. That is incredibly troubling, especially with this report about FTX using some of that money that was invested by Ukraine. I mean, the accusation is money laundering. Are you guys going to look into that? [01:31:52][20.8]
COMER: [01:31:53] Absolutely. We’re partnering with the Financial Services Committee on some of the more technical aspects from the crypto part of this. But at the end of the day, the administration and the mainstream media will say, “No, they have accounted for it.” They said that $30 billion went for weapons and $10 billion went for humanitarian relief. Are you kidding me? That’s not a full accounting. That’s nothing. And there’s nothing to back that up. We want to know, when you say 10 billion went to humanitarian relief, where? Who transported? Who were the vendors? You know, who actually received the humanitarian relief? We would like to spot check that to make sure they actually got what the federal government says that they gave them. I mean, there’s so many aspects to just a basic audit, an accounting of the Ukraine money. But, you know, you look at the Ukraine money, it makes everyone, you know, furious that doesn’t think that we need to be spending money in Ukraine. Look at the unemployment insurance fraud. Look at the state and local government money, the money that went to the school systems to supposedly make the schools safer for COVID, but not a penny of that went towards that. I mean, we just created all these slush funds in a Democrat majority for every government agency and every cyber hack around the world. And it’s just like, all right, well, let’s move on. We just need to spend more money. And no one fact checks the federal government, no one fact checks the Biden administration, and certainly no one has held anyone accountable for wrongdoing that everyone knows has persisted over the past two years. [01:33:33][100.3]
STARNES: [01:33:35] Congressman James Comer on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. And, Congressman, you look at what’s happening overseas right now in China. We’ve been watching the protests and God help those people. You know, they’re fighting against a regime. They have no guns, no weapons. It’s going to be an uphill climb. But I have yet to hear a single word of condemnation from the White House. Does that surprise you? [01:33:57][22.1]
COMER: [01:33:58] It does not surprise me, because part of what we’ve been probing for the past year and a half with respect to Biden family influence peddling is the fact that Hunter Biden received millions and millions of dollars from China. We don’t know exactly who in China. We don’t know exactly for what in China. But the fact that Hunter Biden received all this money and the fact that according to emails and text messages and interviews we’ve had with former associates of Hunter Biden, Hunter was paying for many of Joe Biden’s basic living expenses. So, you know, you’ve got a situation where this White House could be compromised by China. I mean, I can’t imagine a scenario in the history of America where any presidential family received millions and millions of dollars or, you know, any amount of money from an adversary, you know, for nothing. I mean, they say that Hunter had all these business deals, but what business was it? He didn’t manufacture anything. He didn’t own any real estate. He didn’t own any equipment. He wasn’t licensed to sell anything. He wasn’t a registered lobbyist. What was the business? The business to me appears to be influence peddling. But at any rate, we certainly need to investigate this in a Republican majority with subpoena power and the fact that the media and the Democrats in Congress are calling foul because we simply want a few answers to determine whether this administration is compromised because of all the money they’ve taken from China is preposterous. And here’s another reason why you’ve got what’s going on today in China. And the Biden administration is completely silent. [01:35:43][105.6]
STARNES: [01:35:44] And you’re saying that there’s a possibility the Biden administration could be compromised with the president himself? [01:35:49][5.2]
COMER: [01:35:51] Absolutely. I mean, the fact that nothing has happened to Hunter Biden, take China out of it, everything else that he’s done and we tried to highlight that in a press conference two weeks ago. I mean, he has more legal problems than anyone I know who isn’t already under indictment or in prison. And the fact that, you know, nothing has happened with Hunter Biden would suggest of a cover up. The fact that the president won’t comply with basic congressional requests over information that Congress used to have access to. And I’m talking about the suspicious activity reports, the 150 bank violations that the Biden family racked up because of suspicious foreign transactions they were receiving from foreign countries. I mean, this is reason for every American to be concerned, and the fact that the Democrats have spent six years investigating the former administration. And we just want to have one pretty simple investigation with respect to Joe Biden, the press and the Democrats in Congress are just outraged. [01:37:02][70.7]
STARNES: [01:37:02] Congressman, we got to leave it there. Congressman, we’re up against a hard break. We appreciate your great work and we’re going to get you back on. Good luck to you. [01:37:11][8.7]