
Jeffress: Supreme Court Close to Curbing ‘Imaginary’ Right to Murder Unborn Children

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Dr. Robert Jeffress told the Todd Starnes Radio Show that Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in 1973, will be on the “ash heap of history” soon.

After the Supreme Court’s oral arguments in the Missippi abortion law, the pastor of First Baptist Dallas is optimistic about the pro-life side prevailing.

“I think it’s very clear that the Supreme Court is on the verge of either overturning completely or at least curbing this imaginary right they discovered 50 years ago for women to murder their unborn children,” Jeffress told host Todd Starnes.

Jeffress points to other points in U.S. history where the highest court in the land got it wrong.

“I think it is time for Roe v. Wade to join Plessy v. Ferguson and Dred Scott on the ash heap of history, and I think we’re about to see that happen,” he said.


The following is an unedited transcript from Dr. Robert Jeffress interview on the Todd Starnes Radio Show:

Starnes: [01:36:15] Our good friend, Pastor Robert Jeffress with us. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Of course, yes. He has great TV show all over America and he has a brand new book out called Invincible. And we’ve got a direct link to that book on the on the website live show blog. Dr. Jeffers, good to have you back with us. [01:36:37][21.6]

Jeffress: [01:36:38] Great to be back. Thanks for having me, Todd. [01:36:39][1.8]

Starnes: [01:36:40] Now, Dr. Jeffress, you know, you and I follow each other on the social media staff and I understand you are. You had a birthday. [01:36:46][6.7]

Jeffress: [01:36:49] I did have a birthday Monday, and I turned 66, just one digit away from the anti-Christ I tell people, but oh [01:36:58][9.8]

Speaker 1: [01:36:59] so [01:36:59][0.0]

Starnes: [01:37:01] well, that escalated quickly. [01:37:02][1.0]

Jeffress: [01:37:03] Yeah, but I got to spend it with my wife, who was having gallbladder surgery, so that was how I spent my day Monday. But she’s doing well and it’s great to have another year of life. [01:37:15][11.7]

Starnes: [01:37:15] Well, I’m glad she’s doing good. We got a little something for you, Dr. Jeffress to celebrate. Oh no. Yes. Happy. Don’t seeing Dr. Jeffers just listen to me. All right. It’s not the, you know, it’s not the First Baptist Dallas Church Choir and orchestra, but it’s the best we’ve got. Dr. Jeffers. So happy. Great. [01:37:38][23.5]

Jeffress: [01:37:39] That’s great. I will treasure this moment forever. [01:37:42][2.7]

Starnes: [01:37:44] Oh boy. All right, Dr. Jeffers. A lot going on in the news. And of course, before we jump into the book, I’d love for you to weigh in on the Supreme Court oral arguments today. By all indications, it seems like it went really well for the pro-life side. [01:37:59][14.8]

Jeffress: [01:38:00] Yeah, I think it did. Well, I think it’s very clear that the Supreme Court is on the verge of either overturning completely or at least curbing this imaginary right they discovered 50 years ago for women to murder their unborn children. And you know, people were, yeah, well, Stari decisis precedent. You can’t overturn precedent. Well, let’s admit sometimes the Supreme Court has gotten it wrong. You know, in 1857, in the Dred Scott case, they said African-Americans were nothing but chattel property who had no rights. Thankfully, that was overturned with the 14th Amendment back in 1896 and Plessy v. Ferguson, they upheld the right of segregation, separate but equal facilities, and that was overturned 60 years later and brown vs. Board of Education. I think it is time for Roe v. Wade to join Plessy v. Ferguson and Dred Scott on the ash heap of history, and I think we’re about to see that happen. [01:39:00][60.0]

Starnes: [01:39:01] Well, Ithink it’s going to be a great day when that does happen. Just some of the arguments coming from the other side are just they’re just monstrous, demonic at an MSNBC host, a person of color actually suggested, I think we have this audio. Take a listen to what MSNBC host Maya Wilkey had to say. [01:39:17][16.1]

Speaker 3: [01:39:17] If you are black, if you are Native American, if you are Latina, the vast majority of women who are not going to be able to drive the hundred miles or to or to survive, you have a higher likelihood of risk of severe physical health issues and death if you take a child to term than if you abort a fetus. [01:39:41][23.6]

Starnes: [01:39:42] It’s like it’s like Planned Parenthood all over again. [01:39:45][2.9]

Jeffress: [01:39:46] Yeah, and the Planned Parenthood founder was a racist. And Planned Parenthood was established by a racist in order to kill African-Americans of all people. Maya ought to be supporting the right to life. When you look at the history of abortion in our country and what, Todd, I’m always reminded of Ronald Reagan’s great line about abortion, he said. Have you ever noticed that everybody who is for abortion has already been born? So, I mean, that’s how ludicrous this whole thing is [01:40:20][33.5]

Starnes: [01:40:20] on the Patriot mobile newsmaker line, our good friend, Pastor Robert Jeffress, a brand new book out called Invincible, conquering the mountains that separate you from the blessed life you talk in your book, Dr. Jeffress, about a mountain that you and your family face to face. Tell us about that. [01:40:39][18.5]

Jeffress: [01:40:40] Well, I was Job Mountain a few years ago, my daughter and her husband had three miscarriages, one right after the other, and people know what a heartbreaking experience that is to lose a very real life inside the womb, and they decided to start praying that God would answer their request for triplets, one life to replace every life that had been lost. And I told my daughter Julia, I said, Don’t pray that way. We don’t have any history of triplets. You’re just going to be disappointed. Notice what a great man of faith I am there. But she said, Dad, if you want to see God do big things, you have to pray big things. And God answered their prayer and gave them triplets. And there was a point in the pregnancy that they said the child was that children could be born blind or deaf and even might consider an abortion. But they weren’t about to do that, and God honored that decision. And my point an invincible is, look, Todd, we can’t remove all the challenges we face when Jesus said, You know, if you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. He wasn’t speaking literally, but he was speaking truthfully that these challenges we face these mountains don’t have to conquer us. There’s a way to have victory over them, even if we can’t completely remove them. And in the book, we talk about dealing with the mountains of fear and loneliness and anxiety, things we’ve all been through over these last eight months. It’s upbeat and encouraging book that’s based solidly on God’s word. [01:42:16][95.9]

Starnes: [01:42:16] And you know, you mentioned anxiety and you point out about what 40 million Americans American adults suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. I mean, that’s a big deal these days. [01:42:27][10.1]

Jeffress: [01:42:28] That’s right. And you know, the Bible says, don’t worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything, you know, telling people, Oh, don’t be anxious, don’t worry. Don’t worry, that’s not enough. It’s like telling people, don’t think about a pink elephant. I mean, if you tell somebody that that’s all they’re going to think about, you’ve got to replace one activity with another. And that’s what Paul was talking about. Don’t worry. Instead, pray my friend. David Jeremiah has a great suggestion. He says, take out a piece of paper. Put it the top of it. My worry list and list everything you are worried about. Take two or three pages, if necessary. And when you have finished, take your pick and scratch out the word worry and insert the word prayer. Turn your worry list into your prayer list. And when you do that, you’ll find that perfect peace God wants you to experience, you know, Dr. Jeffers. [01:43:16][48.7]

Starnes: [01:43:17] So one of the one of the areas that you explore in the book is this idea of that path, from grief to to acceptance. And I can’t help but think, you know, over the past couple of weeks, we’ve had several national tragedies, most recently yesterday with that school shooting in Michigan and then the the Christmas domestic terrorist attack of that Christmas parade in Wisconsin. How do you as a as a minister, how do you how do you counsel and comfort people and carry them through that that time of of unspeakable grief? [01:43:47][29.9]

Jeffress: [01:43:48] Well, you know, I talked about in an op ed recently about the Wisconsin tragedy. And you know, the fact is we live in a world that’s infected by sand. This world is filled with tribulation. Jesus said, in this world, you’ll experience tribulation. But he said, be a good cheer for I’ve overcome the world. And you know, the good news for Christians is that while they’re suffering and grief, we experience is real. It’s also temporary. The good news of the gospel the good news of Christmas is that little baby born in a manger. One day he’s returning as the sovereign king over the world, and evil will be eradicated forever. And when it gets down to individuals who have suffered a loss, maybe this last year, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of health. You know, there’s grief that goes with that when you lose anything significant. But it’s the same sad song who endures the night, but joy comes into the morning. I tell people going through grief is like going through a dark tunnel. The bad news is it’s dark. It’s lonely, it’s terrifying at times. The good news is, once you’ve started into that tunnel of grief, you’re already on the way out of it. [01:45:00][71.6]

Starnes: [01:45:00] Oh, that’s that’s terrific and really beautiful advice. The book again, folks invincible conquering the mountains that separate you from the blessed life if you like to get a copy and I would encourage you to do so. You can just go directly to our website, the live show blog, or wherever you get your books. All right. Well, Dr. Jeffers, hope you have a great rest of your birthday week, and please tell Mrs. Jeffers we hope she has a very speedy recovery. [01:45:27][26.9]

Jeffress: [01:45:29] I will do so, and I’ll show you the pictures of the gallstones next time I see you. [01:45:33][3.9]

Starnes: [01:45:33] Yeah, going to take a pass. Appreciate that. All right. Dr. Robert Jeffers, First Baptist. Ertz, Dallas, Texas, wow, that’s awesome. [01:45:42][9.4]

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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