Gov. Mike Huckabee says the owner of the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia followed his daughter’s dinner party to another restaurant where they bullied and harassed the diners.
“It’s one thing to yell at people at a town hall. You don’t go to people’s homes and you don’t go to where they’re having a nice dinner,” Huckabee said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show.
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The Washington Post portrayed Red Hen owner Stephanie Wilkinson as kind-hearted and polite. But Gov. Huckabee told me that was not true.
“For the lady to say she was polite — there’s nothing polite about that,” Huckabee said on the nationally-syndicated radio show.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her husband’s family were having dinner at the Red Hen over the weekend when staff members became offended by her presence.
Wilkinson was summoned to the restaurant and after polling the staff decided to ask Sanders and her party to leave.
Huckabee said it was a “humiliating experience” for his daughter and his in-laws.
After they had been kicked out, Sanders and her husband left. However, the remainder of the party decided to eat at a restaurant across the street. That’s when Huckabee said the trouble continued.
“The owner of the Red Hen – who had just thrown Sarah out – organized a group of people to yell and scream at them at another restaurant,” he said.
His son-in-law’s brother, who happens to be very liberal, went out to address the angry mob.
“He said, ‘I’m a liberal and you’re not helping the cause one bit by behaving like this,'” Huckabee recounted.
Gov. Huckabee said the incident proves there is no tolerance among leftists.
“It’s called manners, Todd,” he said. “People on the left think its okay to act in a boorish, hateful intolerant manner and then claim that they are the ones who are loving and kind.”
It’s true — these days the Left considers anyone who supports President Trump’s agenda to either be a Nazi or a racist — or both.