Florida parents are furious after their children were shown a graphic, Planned Parenthood sex-ed video without their consent.
The video, shown to seniors at Pine View High School, included same-sex couples making out and a man grabbing a woman’s breast.
“Asking for consent doesn’t have to be awkward. Asking for consent can be kind of sexy,” the narrator said.
Television station WFLA said some of the images were so graphic they were unsuitable for broadcast.
“No parents were notified in advance. It was only after a student complained that parents & our board became aware,” school board chairperson Bridget Ziegler wrote on Twitter.
The video was shown to students in an Advanced Placement Literature class. A staff member from Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center was responsible.
The organization’s president issued an apology and said the staff member did not follow “established protocol.” The school district has since suspended the group from the campus.
Planned Parenthood also released a statement to WFLA and it doesn’t appear they were concerned about the sexually-charged material shown to students.
“The “Consent 101” series of online videos are geared for older teens and young adults. The videos explain and model what consent is and what it looks like in different situations, and is inclusive of diverse sexual orientations and race/ethnicities. This award-winning video series is designed to help young people understand consent in a relatable, as well as educational, way.
“Planned Parenthood Federation of America has placed these videos online for free so that any community across the country can utilize them just by going to Planned Parenthood’s website.
“We hope these videos help young people better understand that consent is part of healthy communication in relationships and encourage them to have open, honest conversations with their partners.”
Planned Parenthood has no business being anywhere near an American schoolhouse. It’s offensive that they have been allowed access to students. And it’s even more offensive that valuable classroom time was wasted on this garbage.
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