House Republicans need to use their authority to stop the Biden Pentagon from shoving “garbage” down troops’ throats, Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) said on the “Todd Starnes Show” Monday.
Republicans released a report titled, “WOKE WARFIGHTERS: How Political Ideology is Weakening America’s Military,” which you can read below.
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Despite the Pentagon’s denial, Banks told host Todd Starnes “the report proves it that they’ve been advancing anti-Americanism through pushing CRT, other ideologies on our own troops.”
Banks slammed the Biden Pentagon for the “dangerous” changes made since former President Trump was commander-in-chief, and said Republicans will use their majority in the House to push back.
“We have to use that authority to force the Pentagon to stop spilling this garbage, teaching this garbage, pushing this garbage out on our men and women in uniform,” Banks said.
“It’s unsustainable for a country to ask the next generation of young men and women to raise their right hand, take the oath of office that I did to serve, protect, and sometimes in some cases, even, ultimately the risk of paying the ultimate sacrifice for our country when we at the same time teach our kids and tell our troops that America is inherently evil and racist and not worth dying for,” Banks said. “That’s not sustainable as a country.”
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He added, “And that’s why it’s so dangerous that they would allow this ideology to creep into our institutions of the military and out among our, you know, some of our troops who are younger, who are enlisted, and you’re teaching them this garbage.”
Below is a rushed transcript from the “Todd Starnes Show” interview with Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN):
STARNES: [00:59:04] New numbers coming out from Border Patrol. Now I want to go back to the year of our Lord, 2000, 19, 60,000 people, almost 61,000 people crossed the border illegally the next year. And this was Donald John Trump’s administration, 45,139 people cross the border illegally as of fiscal year 2023. These are the these are the projections and the numbers. 230,678. This is what we’re dealing with, folks. It’s a full scale invasion of the country. I want to go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line right now. Honored to have with us a great friend of this program, our good buddy, Congressman Jim Banks. Congressman, good to have you with us today. [01:00:02][58.3]
BANKS: [01:00:03] Hey, Todd, good to be with you. [01:00:04][1.0]
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STARNES: [01:00:04] These numbers here, Congressman, I mean, these are jaw dropping. [01:00:08][3.2]
BANKS: [01:00:11] There’s no other way to look at it. A true, full-on invasion of our country and a president and an administration that are hell bent on doing nothing about it. And it’s their policies that are the the reason that we’ve seen over 5 million illegals since Biden took office, at least that we can estimate who have crossed the border. By the way, 98 suspected terrorists have been caught at the border. Tells us there are a lot more who haven’t been caught, who have come across the border. So this is a national security issue. This is a an issue of the utmost importance to America and our American way of life. With this many illegals being allowed to come in, come across the border, and we still have two more years left of this president and his policies if we sit back and don’t do anything about it. [01:00:56][45.6]
STARNES: [01:00:56] It’s shocking to think that we could be talking about 10 million illegals by the time the Biden presidency wraps up. [01:01:04][7.9]
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BANKS: [01:01:06] Yeah, we have we have just a little over 6 million Hoosiers who live in my state in Indiana, and, at least, you know, probably the equivalent of that estimates in some estimates have more than that who have come into our country illegally. So it’s just it’s baffling to think about the number of illegals who have come in and the repercussions of it. [01:01:29][22.9]
STARNES: [01:01:29] There are going to be a lot of expectations on the House of Representatives, a lot of conservatives expecting a lot of work to get done. The reality is you guys don’t control the Senate. You don’t control the White House. So what is it that the House will be able to do? Or is there anything you guys can do to address the border crisis? [01:01:47][17.5]
BANKS: [01:01:48] Well, with a two or three seat Republican majority in the House, we still have the majority. So we have the gavels of the committees. So the Homeland Security Committee, the Judiciary Committee, the Oversight Committees, all of those committees have oversight and investigative authorities. And this will be a true test, Todd, of whether or not Republicans do what we said we were going to do on the campaign trail and actually use those gavels in that oversight authority. I believe that the the first place to start is impeaching Secretary Mayorkas. I mean, I’m fully on board with it, but there will be a process to get there. So will the committee chairmen begin that process, begin the the the oversight and investigations that need to happen before that takes place? I hope they will. And I believe we have the right the right people in those chairmanships who are on board with that. But then on top of that, when it comes to legislating, again with a narrow two or three seat majority, there is more consensus in the Republican House conference than there was when I first got there back in election in 2016 to go after some of the policies that are causing this to happen, from building the wall to reinstating the effective Trump policies, the Remain in Mexico policy. I mean, that’s a place to start. And if Republicans are bold and again, if we if we do what we committed to in the “Commitment to America” and on the campaign trail, the campaign promises that we made, then we should immediately use our leverage whenever there’s a spending bill, the debt limit issue, use the leverage that we’ll have in those moments to reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy and to demand that the administration builds the wall. I mean, those are things that we must do. [01:03:33][105.0]
STARNES: [01:03:34] Congressman Jim Banks on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line representing the third congressional district in Indiana. Congressman, there is a very disturbing report out. This is the headline from Fox News. “Pentagon Promotes Critical Race Theory Gender Identity Insanity.” This is according to a GOP report that was obtained exclusively by Fox News. What’s in this report? What can you tell us, Congressman? [01:03:58][24.2]
BANKS: [01:04:00] But the Pentagon told us, Todd, that they weren’t they weren’t pushing critical race theory. Right? Over the last couple of years, they’ve been telling us that’s not happening. It’s not going on. It’s completely provable. And the report proves it that they’ve been advancing anti-Americanism through pushing CRT, other ideologies on our own troops. I’ve battled back and forth in the Armed Services Committee hearing room with with the top admiral in the United States Navy, with Secretary Milley or General Milley and Secretary Austin, the top leadership of the Pentagon on these issues. It’s unsustainable for a country to ask the next generation of young men and women to raise their right hand, take the oath of office that I did to serve, protect, and sometimes in some cases, even, ultimately the risk of paying the ultimate sacrifice for our country when we at the same time teach our kids and tell our troops that America is inherently evil and racist and not worth dying for. That’s not sustainable as a country. And that’s why it’s so dangerous that they would allow this ideology to creep into our institutions of the military and out among our, you know, some of our troops who are younger, who are enlisted, and you’re teaching them this garbage. So it’s dangerous. We have to do something about it. Now that we have again. Now we have the we will have the majority. It might be a narrow majority, but Mike Rogers from Alabama will be the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee with the gavel. We have to use that authority to force the Pentagon to stop spilling this garbage, teaching this garbage, pushing this garbage out on our men and women in uniform. [01:05:42][102.2]
STARNES: [01:05:43] This is just stunning. One of the examples of woke defense policies I’m reading from the Fox News piece, one of the some of the examples that spelled out into the press, Kelisa Wing, the chief diversity, equity and inclusivity officer at the DOD, tweeted, She is exhausted with these, quote, ‘white folks’ and suggested black people are incapable of racism. That already sparked one investigation. Another has been promoting elements of critical race theory through his praise of the 1619 project. You know what happened to teaching these young men, these young women, how to protect the homeland and how to, you know, what’s the phrase, how to blow things up? I mean, that’s the whole point. [01:06:28][45.5]
BANKS: [01:06:30] Yeah. When the focus started out, when Joe Biden became the commander in chief and secretary, then General Austin became Secretary Austin. By the way, I opposed the waiver that allowed him to become the secretary because I knew he would be a dangerous figure in charge of our military. General Milley, who is the most political general that we’ve had maybe ever, who’s politicized the military in a way, in a very dangerous way. When these guys took over, they immediately incorporated something called a stand down, where they were focused on ridding extremism from their ranks. And that was their focus. Their focus wasn’t on teaching our men and women, our brave men and women who wear the uniform to go out and fight and win wars. It was on this political garbage, this the ideological mission of these military leaders. So that’s what’s so, so stunning about all of this. We face the greatest threat that America faces today is the Chinese Communist Party and a rising China who wants to dominate the United States of America, and yet these military leaders are focused on politics and their own version of politics. So that’s what we’ve got to do something about. We’re going to be in the majority. I’m going to be on the front lines of this fight, just like I have been, but from a better vantage point of being a senior leader in the majority on the Armed Services Committee to do something about it. [01:07:57][87.4]
STARNES: [01:07:57] A great leader at that. And Congressman, we look forward to having you back on as we continue to expose and shine light on all of this nonsense. Congressman, congratulations on reelection and we look forward to some great things happening in the House. [01:08:12][14.2]
BANKS: [01:08:13] You got it. Good to be with you. Look forward to coming back. [01:08:15][1.9]
STARNES: [01:08:15] All right. Congressman Jim Banks, everybody from Indiana’s third congressional district. And I’ve heard so many reports from moms and dads and from fighting men and women who are fighting in the military. They can’t go public. But they say they say, Todd, here’s here’s what they’re doing to us. Here’s what we’re being forced to go through in the military. And this is not what we signed up for. And I know we have a lot of members of the military that listen to this program. And you heard it there. The Pentagon says they do not promote critical race theory. They do not promote gender identity. A GOP report says otherwise. [01:08:54][38.8]