Rep. Miller: Biden is Using the DOJ to Attack Conservative Christians

Biden’s DOJ is going after conservative Christians who attend school board meetings and want to protect children from radical transgender ideology, Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) said on the Todd Starnes Show.


Is the FBI targeting conservatives?

Miller told host Todd Starnes the FBI is being used as a tool to target President Biden’s opponents.

“We’re seeing two systems of justice, the FBI, the DOJ, and now the IRS are going to go after parents who show up at school board meetings, pro-life supporters, conservatives and Trump supporters,” Miller said. “We’re seeing it already.”

The Illinois representative cited a recent example of a Pennsylvania pro-life leader whose home was raided by 30 FBI agents in front of his children.

“How is it that they can target people like this man and it’s so over the top to show up and do this in front of his children? No justification for this except that these are Biden’s political opponents,” the congresswoman said.

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Starnes and Miller also discussed the left’s attack on children in public schools.

“And when you look at some of the other issues, and especially on the culture war side, the embracement of some very radical sex and gender policies regarding transgenderism,” Starnes said.

“I know you’ve been at the forefront of talking about these issues, but these matter to moms and dads who want to send their kids to school, to public school, to learn how to read and write and add and subtract. And instead, they’re coming back home and they don’t even know their pronouns anymore,” the national radio host added.

Miller then asserted that the left’s pushing of transgenderism on children is an attack on parental rights.

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“The Biden administration and the people that have taken control of our public schools are diminishing parental rights and actually going after parents that show up at school board meetings,” Miller said.

“People are very concerned about it. We need to protect our children. It says a lot about us as a country and a culture about how we treat our children,” she added.

Listen to the full conversation here:

The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show which airs daily from noon to 3:00 p.m.

STARNES: [00:42:02] I want to go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line always honored to have a great American patriot. She represents the 15th congressional district in Illinois, Congresswoman Mary Miller. Mary, welcome back to the show. [00:42:14][12.4]

MILLER: [00:42:16] Thank you for having me. I just want to tell your listeners that I am a regular person, a farmer and a grandma who has refused to sit on the sidelines and is not going to sit by and watch our great country be destroyed. And I know many of your listeners feel the same way. People are waking up and inaction is not an option here. [00:42:39][23.7]

STARNES [00:42:40] No, it’s not, Mary. And we’ve all got to get out there and do our part. Are you encouraged by the polling data that’s out there, what people are saying and telling CNN MSDNC that they’re just sick and tired of this and they want a change. [00:42:58][17.7]

MILLER: [00:43:00] I’m very encouraged. I feel super confident that we’re going to take back the house and probably even the Senate. And I do believe that the segway to the independents and even the Democrats is the economy. It’s the outrageous crime problems that we have, what’s going on in schools and also energy. Energy impacts everything. And the fact that Joe Biden and his people have shut down our energy independence is outrageous. [00:43:30][30.5]

STARNES: [00:43:32] Well, it is outrageous. And when you look at some of the other issues, and especially on the culture war side, the embracement of some very radical sex and gender policies regarding transgenderism. I know you’ve been at the forefront of talking about these issues, but these matter to moms and dads who want to send their kids to school, to public school, to learn how to read and write and add and subtract. And instead, they’re coming back home and they don’t even know their pronouns anymore. [00:44:00][27.6]

MILLER: [00:44:01] Exactly. And the Biden administration and the people that have taken control of our public schools are diminishing parental rights and actually going after parents that show up at school board meetings. People are very concerned about it. We need to protect our children. It says a lot about us as a country and a culture about how we treat our children. [00:44:22][20.9]

STARNES: [00:44:24] Congresswoman, several days ago, you posted a message about the 87,000 IRS agents and you said that they were hired to target Christians, conservatives, small businesses and farmers. And we certainly saw that in the Obama administration when they weaponized the Internal Revenue Service and got caught up in all of that mess. How concerned are you that that Biden is going to follow through and use that army of agents to go after Christians? [00:44:54][30.4]

MILLER: [00:44:57] I’m very concerned. Just out of their own mouths, the rhetoric is attacking Americans. We’re seeing two systems of justice, the FBI, the DOJ, and now the IRS are going to go after parents who show up at school board meetings, pro-life supporters, conservatives and Trump supporters. We’re seeing it already. [00:45:18][21.8]

STARNES: [00:45:20] And to that point, over the weekend, we got word of a very prominent Catholic pro-life leader in in Pennsylvania who was targeted. They said upwards of 30 FBI agents swarmed the guy’s house. He, his wife and seven kids were just horrified to watch these agents come in. I mean, this is getting condemnation from a lot of Republicans out there. And to your point, it does make you wonder what’s really going on here with the FBI. [00:45:49][29.1]

MILLER: [00:45:51] You know, first of all, my question is, how is it that they have the time and budget for this? fentanyl is flooding over our border in record amounts. I’m calling it a terrorist chemical attack on our children. Human traffickers are coming over and we know terrorists are among them. How is it that they can target people like this man and it’s so over the top to show up and do this in front of his children? No justification for this except that these are Biden’s political opponents. [00:46:23][32.3]

STARNES: [00:46:24] Congresswoman Mary Miller on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line today. Congresswoman, the Commitment to America was announced on Friday. My hat is off to you guys. I think this is a brilliant plan. I like what we’ve already heard. Do you think this is going to be the winning formula, the secret sauce? [00:46:44][19.8]

MILLER: [00:46:46] Absolutely. Republicans are united on core issues. We want to investigate big tech. We want to preserve our free speech. The left wants to silence us so they have no opposition and we want government accountability. Several of my other colleagues are calling for defunding the FBI. I know that the press and the left is going to go after us and say that we’re anti-police if we do that. But I do want to say that the press has become powerless. They’ve made a joke out of themselves. And people, when they started sick saying men can become pregnant and breastfeed, you’ve got to get your fifth vaccination shot. The virus didn’t come from China. People started turning CNN and off and setting down their newspaper and they have become an echo chamber. People are turning to radio programs like yours, to podcasts to get their information. And so I want to say to my Republican colleagues that we shouldn’t be fearful about the left in how they are going to portray us, because people have been turning them off. [00:47:58][72.1]

STARNES: [00:47:59] And I you know, I got to say thank you as well, Congresswoman, you’ve been out there and you’ve been talking about very important issues that some conservatives are shying away from. But I know that you are a good friend of Tony Perkins, who’s a friend of this program and the work they’re doing at Family Research Council. But those are still important, vitally important issues. And we’re seeing that with this, you know, the fight with the transgender activist and what’s happening in our public schools. [00:48:28][29.1]

MILLER: [00:48:30] Absolutely. And as the American people embrace our Judeo-Christian heritage and those values and we know we sing songs, God Bless America, shed His grace on us, and to continue down this path is going to bring the judgment of God. And we should be fearing God and repenting. I know that we’ve lost the meaning of that word, but it means to change your mind and go in a different direction, to transgender our minor children is just beyond the pale. And I know that Marjorie Taylor Greene has a bill that I’ve signed on and several of my colleagues that will make it illegal to transgender, a minor child. We’ve got a new caucus out in D.C. Protect our Kids Caucus. And, you know, we’re standing up to protect our children. That’s the first thing we need to do, protect our babies and our children. [00:49:31][60.9]

STARNES: [00:49:32] All right, Congresswoman, we’re going to leave it there. We appreciate you coming on the program today. [00:49:36][4.0]

MILLER: [00:49:37] Well, thank you for having me. Keep up the great work. We need you. [00:49:41][4.0]

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